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Schenna Castle
Discover the living past Some still wonder why did Archduke John, who has gone down in history as the Styrian Prince, buy Schenna Castle? He was of course impressed by the breathtakingly beautiful landscape, the surrounding mountains that he loved so much, the mild Mediterranean climate and the warming sun that shines down upon all. If you visit the romantic castle today, which is located in one of the most beautiful places imaginable, and from here enjoy the fabulous views over Meran and the Burggrafenamt, the heartland of old Tyrol, you too will understand Archduke John’s love at first sight. And for us, his descendants, Schenna Castle is and was love at first sight: we are fascinated by the beauty of this region and love the Castle that lies at the heart of our family. All of our efforts and idealism go into preserving this wonderful monument and the no less important neo-Gothic Mausoleum, incorporating it into the life of the village and tending the Thurnerhof farm, conscientiously developed in recent years and now enhanced with an inn. But there is more to it than that: we have preserved the rooms that were formerly occupied by the family in their original condition, allowing you to immerse yourself in the castle life of the 19th century, view objects from yesteryear and even share Archduke John’s love for the history, art and culture of the Land of Tyrol. We warmly welcome you as a visitor to the Castle! (from the foreword by Franz, Count of Meran) Franz Spiegelfeld, Schenna Castle – Discover the Living Past 48 pages, brochure, published by Schnell + Steiner, Regensburg 2014, € 8.00 available at Schenna Castle, in the Mausoleum and in bookshops |
The mausoleum of archduke john in schenna
The Mausoleum of Schenna is unique as a burial chapel, idiosyncratic with its soaring architecture, overflowing with light and colour, harmonious in its craftsmanship, a place that emanates power, replete with history and stories. It is one of the 19th century’s finest and most beautifully formed neo-Gothic sacret buildings, built and designed by well-known artists of the time and the monumental final resting place of a man who has entered the history books as an extraordinary Habsburg and is still deeply revered for his life’s work: Archduke John of Austria. In this first book about the Mausoleum, well-known authors shed light on its unique nature as one of the landmarks in the centre of Schenna. Franz Spiegelfeld (editor) Dr Maria Hölzl-Stifter, Dr Andreas Lehne, Dr Reinhard Rampold, Franz Spiegelfeld and Dr Helmut Stampfer Hardcover, 168 pages, € 25,00, ISBN 978-88-6839-423-3, 2019, available (only in German) at Schenna Castle and Mausoleum (possibly plus postage) |